You many think that being charged with a DUI is a final sentence and there's nothing you can do in your trial to get rid of the charge. However, there are often many weak points in a DUI charge, so if you're smart and use a great DUI lawyer, you may be able to poke a few holes in the case. Here are some questions to ask your lawyer to find the flaws in your sentencing officer's case.
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3 Tips For Healing After A Divorce
If you have recently gone through a divorce, you might feel as if you will never be able to pick up the pieces of your life again. The dissolution of a marriage can be one of the biggest life changes that a person can go through, so it's certainly understandable that you might not be feeling your best. However, there are things that you can do to help promote personal healing.
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Two Common Questions About Traffic Violations Answered
Driving is an act that many people will seldom give a second thought. However, if you violate one of the many traffic laws, you can find yourself facing expensive fines and higher insurance premiums. For those that have recently gotten their first traffic ticket, learning these two questions and answers will help you to be better prepared for what to expect from this process.
Will A Traffic Violation Always Permanently Result In Higher Insurance Rates?
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DUI Punishment For Underage Drivers
Many drivers under the legal drinking age find themselves getting behind the wheel while under the influence. Since young people have a tendency to binge drink and may not realize the repercussions of drinking and driving, these situations often lead to dangerous accidents that are sometimes fatal. While the law for underage drivers still applies in terms of officially being charged with DUI, the penalties may be a bit different. Here are some examples of what young drivers may face if they receive a DUI.
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