Injured At Work? What You Need To Know About Your Medical Care

If you've been injured on the job, you need to seek medical care as soon as possible. If you're not sure whether or not you can choose your own doctor, you should know it depends on the state in which you live. If you live in California, you might be able to use your primary care physician for your worker's compensation treatment. To do that, you will have needed to submit a form designating your primary care physician as your physician of choice for on-the-job injury treatment. [Read More]

Have A Dog? What To Do In The Moment If Your Dog Bites Someone

If you own a dog, it is important to know what to do if your dog ever bites someone. Hopefully, you will not need to use this information. However, it is better to be informed and to know what to do if your dog ever bites someone. Keep Your Cool If your dog bites someone, there is a high likelihood that the other person affected is going to be in shock or even experiencing a fight or flight response to what occurred. [Read More]

Two Reasons A Medical Expert May Decline To Write Your Affidavit Of Merit

You have the right to sue a healthcare professional for medical malpractice if something the person did resulted in you being injured. Unfortunately, some states make you jump through hoops to get your case before a judge, one of which is requiring you to submit an affidavit of merit signed by an expert stating your injury claim is valid. Although it may seem like this would be the easiest part of your case, there are times when a medical expert may decline your request. [Read More]

Dealing With Insurance Denial After An Auto Accident? Get A Lawyer Fast

Have you been dealing with an insurance company to pay for a destroyed vehicle and medical bills when you were a victim in an accident, and you aren't getting anywhere with your claim? If so, you want to talk with a lawyer that specializes in insurance denial issues. Often insurance companies will ignore claims, put them off, or try to find a way to deny the claim so they don't have to release any funds. [Read More]