Hurt At Work? How To Take Legal Action

It may not be necessary to take legal action when a work injury occurs. In fact, one of the reasons why workers' compensation insurance was created is so that workers can avoid having to file a personal injury lawsuit against their employer. In most cases, hurt workers get the benefits they need, and they recover and return to their jobs. In other cases, things don't go that well. Read on to find out what might happen when your workers' compensation claim is held up, delayed, or denied and you are not getting the benefits you deserve. [Read More]

The "Own Occupation" Clause And Your Long-Term Disability Claim

When you've suffered any kind of illness or injury that has left you unable to work, you may find yourself needing your employer-offered long-term disability insurance. Unfortunately, receiving long-term disability isn't as simple as just filing a claim. In fact, many claims are denied. One of the most common reasons for long-term disability claims to be denied is because of the "own occupation" clause. Here's what you need to know about this clause and your claim. [Read More]

3 Factors That Affect Child Custody Placement

Dissolving a relationship is never easy, and when children are involved, it can be even more difficult. Communication skills don't typically magically improve during the dissolution process, and determining things such as child support and child custody may be impossible. While mediation may work for some couples, others must have the legal system decide what is in the best interest of the children. If you are faced with this situation, it's important you understand the factors a judge is looking for when deciding who is the better parent. [Read More]

Categories Of Damages You Might Qualify For In A Car Accident Settlement

If you did not cause the recent accident you were in, you will likely be able to collect money for compensation of the damages you experienced from the accident. The types of damages you can collect for will depend on the injuries, problems, and issues the accident caused, and here are the main three categories of damages you might be able to ask for when settling your car accident case. [Read More]