Is Someone Trying To Take Legal Action Against You For A Fight? Blindside Them With A Counter Case

If you were in a fight and the other person involved is trying to sue you for their various injuries, you want to hire a criminal lawyer right away. The evidence that you have for the case may be time sensitive, so it's important that you hire the lawyer right away. Criminal charges could prevent you from getting a job in many fields, getting approved to rent an apartment and more.

Divorce And Child Support: How Much Should Be Paid?

A major portion of your divorce decree will deal with child support issues if you and your divorcing spouse are the parents of a minor child. Working out some issues in advance, such as property and debt division and child custody, can save you time and money. Almost any aspect of divorce that can be agreed upon out of court will be advantageous in many ways, with the exception of child support amounts.

Three Questions to Determine If a Slip-and-Fall Injury Case Is Worth Pursuing

When you consult a lawyer about a slip-and-fall injury, there are things he or she has to consider before deciding whether to take your case. The lawyer has to determine the value of your case and the probability of winning it. To do this, he or she is likely to consider these three questions: Who Is Liable For Your Injuries? This is an important question because only the liable party can pay your damages; therefore, the liable party must be identifiable.

Six Ways To Reduce Your Chances Of A Motorcycle Accident

Are you worried that you could get into a motorcycle accident? Being on a motorcycle does put you in a particularly vulnerable situation, but it also means that you have more maneuverability should something occur. As long as you remain aware and vigilant, you should be able to avoid many hazards. 1. Slow Down Around Blind Corners Blind corners are dangerous, but not necessarily for the reasons you might think. You might not feel uncertain crossing a blind corner because you know that you're on the right side of the road and that the road is empty.

Can You Keep Health Insurance If You Divorce Your Military Spouse?

If you and your military spouse are divorcing and your health insurance is through him or her, you more than likely will lose your benefits when the divorce is final. However, there are some things you can do to keep coverage or at least extend it until you can afford to pay for it yourself. Before your divorce is final, here is what you need to know: Do You Automatically Lose Coverage?

What to Do If You Fell at the Grocery Store and Didn't Notice Injuries Until Later

If you slip on the floor while you're grocery shopping and fall to the floor, you'll probably be embarrassed and try to hide your accident. Your fright and embarrassment can even be enough to mask the pain you feel from your injuries. Plus, some injuries don't even show up right away. Your neck or hip may not be sore until later that night or the next day. If your injury was caused by negligence on the store's part, then they are liable and should pay for your medical care.

Understanding The Myths And Realities About Sexual Harassment In The Workplace

These days, sexual harassment is a major concern in workplaces across the United States. Indeed, a sexual harassment lawsuit could very well put a company in serious financial trouble--which is why it's recommended that all business owners have a trusted sexual harassment lawyer, like those at Campbell, Dille, Barnett & Smith, P.L.L.C., on their side for legal guidance and defense. Even with increased training on what constitutes sexual harassment, however, there are still a lot of myths floating around out there about it.

On-The-Job Injuries: 5 Slip-Ups You Must Avoid For A Successful Claim

In the United States during the year 2012, there were roughly 4,400 work-related deaths and 3.8 million work-related non-fatal injuries. With statistics so high, it is possible that you may suffer an injury at work at some point in time during your life. If this happens, here are five errors that you should avoid to ensure proper compensation for your injury: Failing to Report the Incident to Your Boss. Believe it or not, this actually happens very frequently.

2 Most Common Attempts To Conceal Assets In Divorce

Rare is the divorce in which both parties wholly and genuinely cooperate with one another, each granting the wishes of the other with no thought as to whether or not it is in any way beneficial to themselves. Rather, the majority of divorces are characterized by bickering, deceit, and each party's overwhelming desire to make the other suffer. One way couples often engage in this sort of hurtful behavior is by failing to divulge the whereabouts of certain assets, or simply feigning ignorance as to their existence in the first place.

4 "Context Clues" A Car Crash Attorney Might Look At

Personal injury attorneys looking at motor vehicle accidents look at the full context of what happened on the road. Representing their clients, the injury victims, in court, they try to figure out whether any kind of third-party responsibility or negligence was involved, and who may be responsible for compensating the victim. Were Adequate Driving Safety Practices Maintained? In looking at an auto collision, a car accident attorney might ask whether traffic patterns around the accident were reasonable.