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Weight Gain May Impede Your Ability To Claim Malpractice Following These Surgeries

When you've gone through a surgical procedure and you're unhappy with the results sometime in the future, your first instinct might be to hire an attorney and begin to work on a medical malpractice claim. It's certainly possible that malpractice has taken place, but as the weeks and months pass since your surgery, you also need to consider what role you have played. Weight gain may have an impact on how your body looks after various cosmetic surgery procedures, and you may not be pleased with your appearance. This doesn't mean that malpractice has occurred, however — the culpability could be yours because of your weight gain. Here are some examples of how weight gain may make it difficult to claim malpractice after cosmetic surgery.


Liposuction will transform the look of your body by making it appear thinner, but you bear some responsibility for the long-term effect that this cosmetic procedure has. Your liposuction isn't going to last if you don't make some healthy lifestyle choices in the wake of the procedure — and this is something about which your surgeon will be clear. If you continue to consume a high-calorie diet and don't get much exercise, you'll gain weight even after losing weight through liposuction. While you might not be pleased with how you look, you'll have a hard time proving malpractice because the surgeon's legal team will point the blame at you for your weight gain.

Breast Augmentation

Following a successful breast augmentation procedure, your breasts should be the size and shape that you discussed during your pre-surgery consultation. This doesn't necessarily mean that they'll remain this way indefinitely, however. Breast augmentation is another cosmetic surgery procedure that weight gain can negatively impact. Given that it's common for the breasts to increase in size and sometimes even change shape as a woman gains weight, you may eventually have breasts that no longer look as they did soon after the procedure.

Butt Lift

The butt lift is a type of cosmetic surgery that can lift your backside and give it more of a firm and rounded appearance. This is something that many people opt for as they age. Weight gain can also threaten the look of your post-surgery butt lift. To keep the look that you desire, you'll need to maintain your body weight, but not everyone follows this tip. As you gain weight, your backside will increase in size and may begin to once again sag.

For each of these situations, you may feel that medical malpractice is to blame, but proving so can be difficult. Speak with a medical malpractice law professional to see whether or not your situation may merit a legal case.
